
Our Stories

Watch your Ageist Language!

Posted Sep 19th, 2019 in Caring for Others, Aging Successfully, Is This Normal?

Language is important and we avoid certain terms that are considered offensive or disrespectful, but what about ageist language?

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Why is my Mom Falling?

Posted Sep 19th, 2019 in Caring for Others

Frail seniors may have atypical disease presentations, necessitating a targeted and careful examination. A fall may signify an underlying problem that isn't evident at first.

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Are Hospitals Hazardous to Seniors - Part 2

Posted Sep 19th, 2019 in Caring for Yourself

Families can help reduce the risks of hospitalization for seniors.

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Are Hospitals Hazardous to Seniors - Part 1

Posted Sep 19th, 2019 in Caring for Yourself

A hospital stay can lead to more disability and dependence for a senior.

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Am I Sleeping Too Much?

Posted Sep 19th, 2019 in Is This Normal?

How often is it normal to go? Why am I constipated in my senior years? When should I visit the doctor or nurse practitioner?

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Is This Normal - Bowel Movements

Posted Sep 19th, 2019 in Is This Normal?

How often is it normal to go? Why am I constipated in my senior years? When should I visit the doctor or nurse practitioner?

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Is This Normal - Bristol Stool Chart

Posted Sep 19th, 2019 in Is This Normal?

Dr. Didyk explains the "Bristol Stool Chart" used by nurses, doctors and researchers to describe the appearance of stool.

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Is This Normal - Memory

Posted Sep 19th, 2019 in Is This Normal?

Are those little lapses of memory a normal part of aging or should you be worried? Dr. Didyk addresses the significance of what some call "senior moments".

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Are Vitamins Worth It?

Posted Sep 19th, 2019 in Caring for Yourself, Caring for Others

Three reasons to be cautious about vitamins and supplements and why it is important to let your care provider know what you are taking.

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Respite Care

Posted Sep 19th, 2019 in Caring for Yourself, Caring for Others, Planning Ahead

Being a care partner is a tough role and getting regular respite can be crucial to carrying on for the long haul.

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