
Substitute Decision Makers Part 1

Posted Sep 17th, 2019 in Caring for Yourself, GERI-Minute, Planning Ahead

SDM doesn't just stand for Shoppers Drug Mart! It is an acronym for "Substitute Decision Maker" 

Find out more about substitute decision makers in this GERI-Minute!

1 comment

  • Judith Wahl on Jan 26th, 2020
    Just a few tweaks... you can’t just pick a SDM . To pick someone you must prepare a POA personal care, if you have not done that the person you pick has no authority to act unless they are the person highest in the SDM hierarchy. And this SDM is not an SDM for medical care but is the SDM for heath care. Health care in law i is treatment decision making but is also non medical decisions such as admission to a long term care home and confinement in a long term care home on a locked unit and personal asssistance services in a long term care home. So that SDM is not just limited to medical decision making for an incapable person but has authority over all health decisions that a person lacks capacity to make.

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